Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pork Chops w/ Acorn Squash

Pork Chops w/ Acorn Squash... I'm back. And I have to get into the routine of cooking now that it's officially the new year and all these holiday trips are over (fairly tragic). Anywho, last night was the first night back to cooking and although I wasn't feeling too inspired I did whip together a healthful and well rounded meal that was super duper easy. So no excuses people, if I can do it you can do it.

On the Menu:
Grilled pork chops w/roasted acorn squash and sauteed broccolini

How To:
Nothing majorly new or interesting here but it was a flavorful, and might I add, colorful meal.

First I set the oven to 400 degrees for my acorn squash. While the oven was heating up I cut off both the stem and the rough bottom of the squash then proceeded to cut it in half. You can cut it either way but I cut it longways. I scooped out the seeds and gunk and drizzled the insides of each half with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. I placed them upside down (skin side up) on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil and popped em in the oven for 45 minutes. Voila.

While the squash started cooking I took my boneless chops out of their packaging and put them on a plate. I gave each side a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of grill mate seasoning, lemon pepper, and a TOUCH of cayenne (I think I put more than a touch and it made for a hot little porky!). I covered the plate with foil and put them in the oven until 10 minutes before the squash was ready. I also prepped a few cloves of crushed garlic and some broccolini to saute also around the time I cooked my chops.

I took that in between time to clean up so that I didn't have much to do after dinner - it pays to plan ahead!!

Once my timer was down to about 10 minutes left for the squash I started sauteing the broccolini on medium heat with salt, pepper, garlic and olive oil. I threw in a splash of water at the end to steam them through.

I also got out my grill pan and put it on high heat for a minute or two before placing my chops on the pan. I would say they take about 5 or so minutes on each side and it helps if you make a foil tent over the top to keep in some of the heat.

Pre-Cooked Seasoned Chops

Go light on that Cayenne!

Din Din

Once they were done I served it all up with a little slab of butter for the squash. It was easy and Dahlicious and really quite well rounded.

Happy New Year!!

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