Dahlicious Lunch: Roast Beef & Fresh Mozz Sando... So here is a little sandwich combo I came up with for work yesterday and it was SO tasty. I really just used random things as I went along but it was simple and perfect. At the store this week I grabbed a loaf of Ezekiel bread - I try not to eat too many carbs during the day at work but occasionally Ill spring for a sandwich and when I do it's always on Ezekiel bread. It is great to use if you are making it the night before because it is a pretty dense/stiff bread which holds up well overnight and becomes just a tiny bit soft the next day - but not soggy in the least.
Here is what I used:
2 Slices of Ezekiel bread - very very lightly toasted
Mayo (a squeeze... maybe table spoon??)
Grainy mustard (even quantity to the mayo I'd say)
Little pinch of horseradish (dime sized scoop)
4 slices of Roast Beef
1 Large ball of fresh mozz - cut into 4 slices
4-5 Large spinach leaves
Super simple. In a small bowl mix your mayo, mustard, and horseradish to get a Dahlicious spread for your bread. Liberally apply it to be slices.
Next add your roast beef....
Then your mozz and spinach....
And voila! Easy Peasy! I also brought a side of carrots and hummus as well as an unsweetened applesauce. It was perfect.
Today I packed a pretty standard lunch of sliced turkey, tomato/mozz salad with balsamic and again the unsweetened applesauce. Anywho - hope these ideas help inspire you to get creative with your lunches!
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