What I Used:
Low sodium teriyaki sauce
Sesame Oil
Juice from 1 lime
8-10 fresh mint leaves
Dukkah Seasoning (mine is from TJ's)
TJ's Brown Rice
For the Sauce:
I really eyeballed this but I'll say about a cup of the low sodium teriyaki, a couple drops of the sesame oil, juice from half a lime, all of the mind finely chopped, and a few medium squeezes of sriracha. Whisk it together. This is your sauce.
First I cleaned, chopped and drizzled my brussels with olive oil, salt and pepper. They went in the oven at 400 degrees for about 35 minutes - I pulled them out and gave them an occasional toss to make sure they cooked somewhat evenly.
While they were roasting I marinated the tuna fillets in olive oil and the juice from the other half of my lime. I marinated them for about 20 minutes. I took them out of the fridge and let my grill pan get nice and hot.

I proceeded to sear both sides of the fillets for 2 minutes on each side on high heat. Once they had a nice crust I removed them from the grill pan and placed them on a baking dish. At that point I poured a spoonful of the sauce over the top of each fillet and dipped that side and the surrounding edges in the Dukkah. I placed them seasoned side up on the baking sheet, removed my brussels from the oven, turned the dial to broil and placed my tuna fillets on the top rack for 3-4 minutes.
I kept the brussels warm by covering the top with foil and cooked my rice while the tuna finished off in the broiler.
Once settled on the plate, I drizzled liberal spoonfuls of the sauce on my tuna and rice. It was sooo yummy. The fresh mint added a super bright note and the sriracha was the perfect amount of tangy heat. Not the kind of heat that makes your lips burn, but just enough, with the lime to give a little tickle in the back of your throat. The sweetness of the teriyaki and the subtlety of the sesame oil also added to the layer of flavors in the sauce. It was perfection - at least I thought so!
I topped it all off with a yummy dessert of plain greek yogurt, fresh strawberries, fresh green grapes, 1 crumbled piece of Natural Natives Cacao Goji Berry Snack bite, and a drizzle of organic blue agave.
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